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Super Mario 64 DS

I never had the chance to own a Nintendo 64 console when they were current, so when I saw this remake/port for the DS I snapped it up, never having had a chance to fully play through the original N64 version. The DS version is pretty faithful although adds some new features and mini games, the controls could be a bit clunky at times, although I recall the N64 controls also having a few awkward moments but it still works and is very playable. This game is pretty classic as it marked the first shift from 2d platformers into 3d and set the stage for the Mario Galaxy games on the Wii, and Mario Obyssey on Switch. The only time the controls and particularly the camera controls frustrated me was during the final boss, although part of that is just me being bad at getting the timing of the throw correct. I only went for 80/150 stars, which many fans would consider sacriligious. But I'd rather move on to other games or save doing a full star run for the non-handheld version.